Kenyon, Minnesota, is celebrating a remarkable transformation as this former assisted living facility at has been renovated into a modern apartment complex. This project breathes new life into the bui...
Breathing New Life into the Eastman Buildings: A Historic Downtown Revival
Nestled in the heart of Faribault, the Eastman Buildings have long stood as a symbol of history and character. Once the bustling center of commerce, these iconic structures have seen generations pass...
5 Signs It’s Time for a Commercial Remodel
Recognizing the signs that your commercial space is due for a remodel is crucial to maintaining a vibrant, contemporary appearance that appeals to both employees and customers. Updates prevent your sp...
Is it time for your commercial expansion?
Sometimes, a commercial space has run its course. But in the same breath, it is important to figure out when it is time to move on, or when to consider an expansion. Expanding an existing space may...
Renovate Your Commercial Space or Office
As a business owner, you understand the importance of taking inventory. It feels good to know the exact amount of a product that you have available to customers. You strive to be on top of goods and s...