Spring Clean Your Home

It’s that time of the year again. With the snow melting and the temperature rising, we’re ready to kick-off spring with a traditional and thorough cleaning of the home. To make things are a little easier on you this year, we put together a list of our favorite spring cleaning tips. Do you have an annual spring cleaning ritual? We’d love to hear about it! Feel free to comment below!

Begin with a Plan – While we know you’re excited to jump right into spring cleaning, you’ll want to begin with a plan. Create a checklist of all the places in your house you plan on cleaning. Create an order of rooms you plan on cleaning from start to finish. Ensure you have the proper equipment before you begin to clean.

Start from the Top – As you work your way around the rooms in your home, start cleaning from the top to the bottom. Dust off any hard to reach places and finish off with a good vacuum. If you dust after you’ve cleaned your floors, runaway dirt particles will contaminate your freshly cleaned room.

Clean Upholstery and Curtains – We know you’ve religiously cleaned your floors throughout the year with either a quick sweep or a thorough vacuum. But, when’s the last time you’ve cleaned your upholstery or curtains? Take the time to remove any stains or dust collected on your furniture. You may also want to give your walls a good scrub down!

Organize, Organize, Organize – While cleaning your home, take some time to reorganize your closets, bookshelves, refrigerator, and cabinets. Throw out anything you don’t need or plan on using.

Work Together – Don’t go at it alone. Spring cleaning a home can be a daunting endeavor. Split up tasks with a friend or a family member. Try cleaning the home together. Make a playlist of your favorite tunes. Who said cleaning can’t be fun?

Home Exterior – Don’t forget to clean the exterior of your home! This includes doing any springtime lawn maintenance and removing yard debris leftover from fall/winter. Plan out a day where you can clean your gutter and downspout. You don’t want the spring thunderstorms to catch you off guard.

5 Replies to “Spring Clean Your Home”

  1. Deep cleaning the house once per year is great in theory, but usually my husband and I put it off longer than that. We are taking your advice an d beginning with a plan. Since we know we will have a mountain of junk to throw out, we were thinking about renting a dumpster for a day.

    1. Renting a dumpster is a great choice! Don’t forget that you can also rent a truck or trailer to bring items to the dump. When you’re there, you can separate out recyclable items, technology, etc.

    2. My husband and I have the same problem of putting of our deep cleaning for a long time. Renting a dumpster is a brilliant idea, and we’ll definitely look into using it! We’re planning on cleaning this spring, and I think having a dumpster there will make things a lot easier!

      1. Best of luck with your project!

  2. Spring cleaning is such a daunting task. We have a really hard time in my family getting everything done. This year, we need to not only do the inside but also focus on the outside. Do you have any tips for equipment to use in doing so?

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