
One of the most important aspects of any construction company is jobsite safety. This is very important for the protection of company employees and protection of company clients. There are many issues on a construction site that need to be addressed at all times. These include things such as electrical power cords, electrical tools, ladders, scaffolds and planks, floor and roof openings, etc.

Northfield Construction Company has a Safety Officer….Phil Olson.

(Click on Phil’s photo for a quarter page version.) Phil is a member of the Minnesota Safety Council and participates on safety programs on a regular basis. Phil also has access to the safety materials and programs from the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)

and the Association of Builders and Contractors (ABC).

Both of these professional trade organizations prepare great videos, brochures, and booklets.

Northfield Construction Company conducts safety meetings with all employees twice a month. One of the meetings is conducted at the company shop and often utilizes a video or presentation. The other monthly meeting is conducted on a work site, using actual site conditions. This focus on job site safety allows Northfield Construction Company to maintain an excellent Workers Compensation insurance experience modification and in turn offer competitive hourly rates to our customers. All Northfield Construction Company employees appreicate this focus on safety and the goal of operating all jobs in as safe a manner as possible.