Habitat for Humanity Rice County

Yesterday several Northfield Construction Company employees helped out our local Habitat for Humanity organization. Habitat is building two homes on the east side of Northfield. The lots are in a developed are of town and the area looks very nice. Earlier work crews had constructed all the walls for the house. The house walls are constructed of Reward insulated concrete forms and the garage walls are standard wood framing.

One of the tougher tasks for regular Habitat volunteers is setting the roof trusses. Trusses are long and awkward to handle, plus they are heavy of you are lifting them up into place by hand. We brought a rough terain forklift with an operator to the site. That allowed us to quickly and safely lift the trusses into place. The ICF walls had top plates bolted in place already so we fastened the trusses, braced them well and in short order the roof took shape.

I want to give a big thank you to our NCC workers Bill, Steve, Phil, Brent and Tristan that volunteered time after a workday to help out Habitat.