Faith Lutheran foundation

100_1011 Last week was a great week to be working on the100_1019 foundation at Faith Lutheran Church in Dodge Center. We made great progress with the site work and got a good start on the foundation.


100_1015 A project like this involves lots of careful measurements to make sure the foundation is the proper size and configuration. We have many steel columns in this project. Each of them is bolted to the foundation with large L-shaped anchor bolts. There is no room for error when placing these large anchor bolts in the foundation. We also have to make sure the vertical foundation reinforcement steel is placed properly.  Jim, our Site Superintendent is doing a great job staying ahead of the foundation workers and getting the templates for the columns and the vertical reinforcing steel properly placed.

By the end of this week we should have the majority of the foundation work completed. Once that is done the site can be rough graded and we will start on the iron and carpentry work.