DJJD Hog Roast

100_4222 The Defeat of Jesse James Days committee hosted a hog roast for area business people and supporters of DJJD last night. In spite of a hot August night the turn out a the event was excellent. I’m up early most days and yesterday I passed the hog roast location and saw the workers there under the lights at 4:30AM tending to the hog roasting.


I had a great time visiting with people from the area. This is always a nice100_4219 opportunity to catch up with area business owners that I don’t run into on a regular basis. There were also some political candidates there visiting with people. An event like this is a nice, informal way for candidates to learn about concerns that business owners have.

100_4223 The DJJD royalty was there, and this year’s royalty candidates were busy serving the food. The young candidates are always fun to see.

If you are in the area on the weekend of September 8-12 come to Northfield and experience a great small town festival.