Category Archives: NCC Blog

More residential updates

Updated photo galleries for these residential projects in progress: Kimmes Robinson Sommers New galleries for: Keller Pokorney These are all linked from our residential portfolio section....

Commercial in progress

There are new galleries up for these commericial projects in progress: Northfield Arts Guild Theatre Berglund 4-Plex ARTech Charter High School Laura Baker These are all linked from our commercial p...

Riverwalk Condominiums

We are well underway with the foundation for the River Walk Condominiums in Northfield. It is exciting to be working on a new, freestanding building downtown Northfield...something that has not been d...

Featured Employee

The featured employee this month is Marja Cox, our summer receptionist and office assistant. Marja is my daughter and is home from college. She attends Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Marja just com...