Choose the Right Color for Your Remodel

Color can easily affect mood and space, making it important for you to determine the best color for your next remodel – keeping the theme of your room in mind. If you’re looking to make a bold statement without a remodel, strategically painting one accent wall or adding signature furniture/appliances can transform a room. We’ll go over the emotional effects certain color can achieve through either dramatic or subtle arrangements. Do you have a favorite color for your home? Comment below!

Red/Orange – People often associate red with passion and excitement. If you want to bring a bold statement to your next remodel, consider choosing a striking shade of red or orange. Brighter reds or oranges work best in dining rooms or living rooms, while deeper shades of red can add a colorful spark to your bedroom. Homeowners often choose one defining shade of red or orange, pairing it with a combination of both light and dark neutrals to achieve a drastic contrast.

Blue – From electric to pale shades of powder blue, this color invokes tranquility and the traditional notion of masculinity. A light shade of blue can help create a calming and contemplative atmosphere, while a darker shade of blue can add a simple, bold touch. Most homeowners choose shades of blue for their bathroom, since the color of blue is often associated with water and relaxation. Blue also works well in guestrooms. If you’re looking at a nautical theme for your bathroom or cabin, simply combine dark blues with tan neutrals to achieve this look.

Green – People often associate this cool color with nature and growth. Relaxed and neutral greens work well in the living room and even the kitchen. Bluish-greens can create calming and a serene ambience in a bedroom or bathroom. Combine with other colors such as subtle yellows or blues to add a vibrant atmosphere in your home. Choose a bold green to make a powerful statement in any room; compliment with light neutrals to retain its brightening and positive mood effects.

Yellow – Yellow is sometimes considered the “happiest” of the warm colors. More striking or deeper yellows create an energetic and lively atmosphere, while pastel yellows blended with other lighter neutrals add a subtle and warm brightness to your home. Yellows work best in the kitchen or in rooms with a lot of natural light. Deeper golds compliment other bolder warm colors – like a deep red.

Purple – Often associated with royalty and creativity, purple (the warmest of the cool colors) can add a defining regal touch to any room. Lighter shades of purple sometimes invoke the traditional notion of femininity, and still work well as an accent color – such as the living room or the basement. Deeper shades of purple can create a rich and wealthy atmosphere when combined with darker and lighter neutrals.

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